The Sum of Things, The Sum of the City
For the online edition of the Dutch Tubelight Art Review Magazine, I wrote about the act of dwelling through the city and an exhibition by Thea Djordadze in the Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin.
It’s a reflective essay on noticing what makes up our surroundings.
Read the original article in Dutch on Tubelight. Or the English Translation.
For the online edition of the Dutch Tubelight Art Review Magazine, I wrote about the act of dwelling through the city and an exhibition by Thea Djordadze in the Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin.
It’s a reflective essay on noticing what makes up our surroundings.
Read the original article in Dutch on Tubelight. Or the English Translation.

Short Texts
I have a Telegram group for Short stories by me, about animals, magic and my life. The texts are sporadically shared and to be read on the couch, on the go or in the waiting room.Join the Telegram Group through this link.

Personal Essay on my arrival in a new city and what it takes to really settle in.Published on Coven Berlin, Autumn 2021.

How To Catch A Shadow (2020)
Essay accompaniying the HTCAS photography project. Published in Dutch on the online Art platform Mister Motley.
English version available here.

Time Travel Through the Netherlands
Essay on my experiences creating the Objective Netherlands project for which I travelled to 52 different places all across the Netherlands, to see how they changed compared to 1974.Read the text in English and Dutch here.
Originally published in Objectief Nederland, Changing Landscape 1974 — 2017 by Cleo Wächter and Reinjan Mulder, Published by Nai010, Design by Studio Joost Grootens, Accompanying essays by Merel Bem, Henk Baas, Berno Strootman, Peter Delpeut and Ludo van Halem, With support from: Creative Industries Fund NL, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, NH Bos Foundation, Babel & Voss, and the Charema Fonds, managed by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.